31 Aug 2014

صور رومانسية 2014

صور رومانسية 2014 - screenshot thumbnail صور رومانسية 2014 - screenshot thumbnail صور رومانسية 2014 - screenshot thumbnail
"اجمل رمزيات رومانسية بلاك بيري منوعة وهي خلفيات ورمزيات رومانسية دلع جوالك بحفظ الرمزيات الحب والرومانسية على جوالك ووضعها كرمزيات او خلفيات على جوالك .. وادلع يا كايدهم

ليس هذا فحسب بل ويمكنك تحميل الصور والموضوعات على جوالك ومشاركة الموضوعات او الصور الموجودة بالتطبيق مع اصدقائك عبر
الواتس اب، البى بى ام، الرسائل القصيرة، الفيس بوك، تويتر وغيرها

كما يمكنك التعليق الاستفسار عن ما ترغب به فى اسهل واسرع خطوات ممكنة

لا تنس تقييم التطبيق اذا اعجبك وسننتظر مشاركتكم لتحسين التطبيقات لكم :)"

Football Keypad Lock Theme

Football Keypad Lock Theme - screenshot thumbnail Football Keypad Lock Theme - screenshot thumbnail Football Keypad Lock Theme - screenshot thumbnail Football Keypad Lock Theme - screenshot thumbnail
Football Keypad Lock Theme

Change your lock style with stylish Football keypad lock theme and enjoyed the football fever.

Attention please :- Default password is 1234 please change and 4 digit password length is mandatory

Features of this app :-
1 Seen the preview of your screen
2 Provide help how to change his password and seen the password if you never remember
3 Provide 10 awesome theme background.
4 Provide Sound options when user entered the password(into the setting section user enable/disable by default it's enable)
5 Provide Vibration options when user entered the password(into the setting section user enable/disable by default it's enable)
More feature will be added soon..........

Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir

Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir - screenshot thumbnail Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir - screenshot thumbnail Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir - screenshot thumbnail Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir - screenshot thumbnail Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir - screenshot thumbnail Cerita Lawak & Lucu Pak Pandir - screenshot thumbnail
Aplikasi ini merupakan cerita lawak & lucu yang berkisahkan Pak Pandir.

Hiburkan hati anda dan rakan-rakan anda dengan kisah lucu pak pandir.

Koleksi eBook ini telah memuatkan kisah lawak atau cerita pendek Pak Pandiri.

Sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat....

Free Video Calls

Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail Free Video Calls - screenshot thumbnail
Get free video and voice call on your finger tips.
Call worldwide without incurring any call charges.
One app with may free calls.

Easy EMI Calculator (Free)

Easy EMI Calculator (Free) - screenshot thumbnail Easy EMI Calculator (Free) - screenshot thumbnail Easy EMI Calculator (Free) - screenshot thumbnail Easy EMI Calculator (Free) - screenshot thumbnail
Easy EMI Calculator for home/car/personal loans.

A nice & simple user friendly interface with charts.

If you see any bug/issue, kindly email me. I will try to fix with in a week.
Don't forget to give 5 star rating :)

D Bitly

D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail D Bitly - screenshot thumbnail
bitly client for android. This application uses the bitly API, but is neither developed nor endorsed by bitly.

"@PurplePenning no official bitly Android app, but we have a cross-platform mobile site, and @bytebenderapps built an Android app w/ our API!".

Shorten links and view previously shortened links straight from your Android device.

Easy to use, just open the app and paste your long url or use the share page menu item from your browser to shorten links before you share them on Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.


Tags: url shortener, bitly, shorten links, share links, shorten urls, free, bitly pro, bitly shortener, url sharer, shorten

Big Barn World Social Farming

Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail Big Barn World Social Farming - screenshot thumbnail
Big Barn World (BBW) is the new social farming sensation where you can play on your own or join up with friends to achieve big things – like building your booming farm and growing your massive crops, including lots of big juicy melons!

Join forces with new friends and farmers in Big Barn World (BBW) and split the profits - it's a win-win for everyone!

What You Will Find: The works! Including green ogres, money trees, gingerbread houses and black horses. There are plenty of items in store that will help you build your farming empire, as well as lots of unique seasonal items to look forward to.

Who Can I Be Friends With In Big Barn World (BBW)? Anyone and everyone! It is a place to be social! Say hello to new farmers and send unlimited friend requests. There are tons of places where you can meet new friends and learn about the latest farming tips and strategies, including forums, chat rooms and farm walls.

This app is a great companion for existing Big Barn World (BBW) players!

* See the health of your farm at a glance with the Farm-O-Meter 4000!
* Get notified immediately about your farm status, sales schedules, wall posts and auction status
* Get a quick overview of your friends' farm status - find out who needs help with a single click!
* See what's been going on with your farm on the "feed" tab
* Quick access to your farm and your friends' farm!

Check out Big Barn World (BBW) and other social games on your browser on airGames at http://airgames.airg.com.

عالم جوالي

عالم جوالي - screenshot thumbnail عالم جوالي - screenshot thumbnail عالم جوالي - screenshot thumbnail عالم جوالي - screenshot thumbnail
عالم جوالي , برامج و العاب و ثيمات تعمل على بلاك بيري و جالكسي بالاضافة إلى تعارف و صور و رمزيات و برودكاست و توبيكات و زخرفة الأسماء و زخرفة النصوص و مجموعة صوتيات القران الكريم و القراءات المؤثرة و القصص و الإستفسارات لحلول المشاكل .. ومعرفة اسرار الأجهزة
بالإضافة إلى خدمة انشاء موقع مجاني مع منتدى وغرف للدردشة و شرح الطريقة

B&Me suivi conso B&You

B&Me suivi conso B&You - screenshot thumbnail B&Me suivi conso B&You - screenshot thumbnail B&Me suivi conso B&You - screenshot thumbnail B&Me suivi conso B&You - screenshot thumbnail B&Me suivi conso B&You - screenshot thumbnail B&Me suivi conso B&You - screenshot thumbnail
L'application fonctionne avec tous les forfaits B & You

B&Me est la première application indépendante vous permettant d’effectuer le suivi des consommations de vos forfaits B & You.

Cette application n'est en aucun cas l'application officielle World & You et ne propose pas les mêmes fonctionnalités que World&You

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes ou bien que vous avez des suggestions, nous sommes joignable :
twitter : @b_and_me
facebook : http://www.b-and-me.fr/facebook

Les informations sont mises à jour en provenance de l’espace abonné B&You.
Vos informations personnelles sont stockées dans votre téléphone et aucunes de ces informations ne transitent sur des serveurs tiers.
La récupération des informations est effectuée de manière sécurisée (Https).

Nos fonctionnalités :
- Montant forfait
- Consommation voix, data, hors forfait
- Date de la prochaine facture
- Date et montant de la dernière facture
- Consultation de votre code PUK

Documents officiels B&You :
- Consultation des Mentions Legales
- Consultation des CGV
- Consultation des CGS
- Consultation des Tarifs
- Consultation de la couverture réseau

Cette application nécessite une connexion WIFI ou 3G


B&Me n’est pas une application B&You officielle, il n’en existe d'ailleurs aucune à ce jour.

Vos informations de connexion ne sont pas collectées, elles servent uniquement pour vous connecter à votre compte.
Si vous supprimez l'application B&Me, vous supprimez également vos informations.

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes ou bien que vous avez des suggestions, nous sommes joignable à cette adresse : conso.bandyou@gmail.com

Design by Robin Lopez

Inscrivez vous sur notre page Facebook pour suivre les nouveautés : http://www.facebook.com/pages/BMe/315206351901344
ou via twitter : @b_and_me

B and You, B and Me, B & You, B & Me, suivi conso, Bouygues Telecom, World&You, World & You