Orders can be placed simply at home or where ever you are underway. You will still receive the same fast delivery service, postage free, with invoice as usual.
- The App for the Swiss Game Shop www.wog.ch
- Comprehensive assortment of the very latest Games, Films and toys
- You can browse all the latest releases, charts, user ratings, or our entire product range
- To help with purchasing decisions over 100,000 customer ratings for Films and Games
- Post free delivery on account
- The latest game news - powered by games.ch
- Shopping basket for online purchases (only for orders in Switzerland or Lichtenstein)
- Preorders possible
- Orders processed over our secure HTTPS-Server
- myWoG – personalised customer area, account management, list of current orders, order archive, invoices, wishlist
- Personal Gamer Card with the actual success on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network
- Easy search and filter functions
- Age verification via App is possible
The App offers you products from the following categories:
- PC Games
- Mac Games
- Playstation 3
- Playstation 4
- Xbox 360
- Xbox One
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo Wii U
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo DS & DSi
- PS Vita
- Playstation Portable PSP
- Playstation 2
- Blu-ray
- Blu-ray 3D
- Anime Blu-ray
- Anime DVD
- Manga
- Classic games (Board games, Card games, Poker, Roll playing etc.)
- Trading Cards (Magic, World of Warcraft, Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Carrera
- Lego
- Skylanders
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